Thursday, September 07, 2006

Reading notes and tabs

Starting the new schoolyear and having more and more very young and beginning pupils (taking guitar lessons at the schools where I teach) I decided to start a basic tab and note reading lesson series.

For people who are new to tab and note reading I suggest you take a look at these lessons since they learn you these things very slowly (I guess I could have called these tab and note reading for dummies, but I think "for dummies" is copyrighted...).

Here are the links to the lessons:

Tab reading

Note reading

Have Fun!


Loree said...

Wow, this is a nice blog. Very helpful. I'll be checking back. :-)

Unfortunately, our local schools no longer offer guitar lessons to students. We just ordered an acoustic guitar and DVD. My dad and brother play guitar often and well, so I will have to go to them after viewing the DVD.

Unknown said...

Nice posts about the tabs and note reading. I find there is a drawback with tabs if the players do not understand Rhythm.